Bathe in a flowing fountain of healing color and loving energy with Sundara Fawn’s Wisdom Cards and accompanying guidebook for self-discovery, Reawakening the Soul.
I was so fortunate to meet Sundara Fawn 15 years ago when I lived in Black Mountain, North Carolina. When we met, I was amazed at her love of life and creativity. She practiced meditation, spent time in nature, never had a discouraging word, and painted the most beautiful paintings and murals. She was happily living a spiritual life and was allowing Spirit to guide her and express through her fully. Is she an “Enlightened Being”? I would have to say YES. You would only have to spend a few moments in her presence or immerse yourself in her artwork to feel your own energy lighten and lift.
She has answered the call of Spirit to bring her awakened energy to as many people as possible.
It is with great joy that I share her new cards, book, and programs with you. Would your life improve if you use her cards, books or programs? YES!