Planetary Aspects of Jealousy and Obsessive Love


Aspects between Venus and Pluto in the natal chart can indicate a tendency to become obsessed or possessive in relationship. Sometime a Venus/Pluto person can hold on to a relationship long after it is over, especially if the aspect is a square or opposition. The pleasure principle of Venus is intensified by Pluto and if the two people have been intimate or are in close physical proximity regularly, this can be a magnetic physical and romantic attraction that can feel like a drug. And drug addicts are always looking for the next fix. The more often they see each other, the more attached and controlling the Venus/Pluto person can become. The intense attention and intimacy can move from attraction to repulsion if Venus/Pluto becomes too jealous or possessive.

Aspects between Venus and Neptune can contribute to romantic attachment and the tendency to idealize or romanticize the beloved. Although this is not exactly obsession, it can create false impressions and impractical fantasy when it comes to love, such as , “Oh, he doesn’t really love his wife. It’s me he loves. I can tell by the way he smiles at me,” when the poor guy is just being friendly. Venus in a challenging aspect to Neptune can predispose the owner of this aspect toward unrequited love situations, which can become obsessive. Often, when the beloved is won, the Venus/Neptune person will feel a let down and lose interest because it is the poignant feeling of longing that is now missing in the relationship. Venus/Neptune got what they wanted, so why are they not happy? They prefer to want what they cannot have – it is the unavailability of the beloved that makes them so appealing.

Aspects between Pluto and Chiron can lead to jealousy or possession associated with marriage and family. Even if a serious relationship ends, the person with this aspect, or who forms this aspect with the loved one, could feel that they will eventually marry their beloved if they just wait it out and persist. Or, if a divorce is happening, they may deny the divorce and believe the partner will return or put family first. Even when the ex marries another partner, the person with Chiron/Pluto may hold out for the ex to wake up, break up with their new mate and return to them, and they may fear becoming serious with someone else while waiting for this to happen, in case the ex returns. This can be the saddest obsessive aspect, because it can persist the longest and can make it challenging for other potential mates to love the Chiron/Pluto person who can’t get over an ex.

The interpretations of the aspects mentioned above indicate extremes that are more likely to be seen when aspects are challenging, such as squares or oppositions. When those same planets are involved in supportive aspects, like sextiles and trines, strong attraction, romantic idealism and the desire to stay with a partner forever can be the lighter manifestation of energy, but the shadow side can show under stress or if the partner’s chart activates the natal chart in challenging ways.

At Aloha Astro, Dee can look at the dynamics of love, sex, romance and marriage in your natal chart during a One Hour Reading by phone or Skype. If you would like to look at the dynamics of a relationship, she recommends the Relationship Quickie Recording which comes in a Look and Listen format and is shared through Dropbox.

What is a Natal Chart?

An astrological natal, or birth chart, is a graphic and mathematical representation of the planets in the heavens at the precise moment of your birth. Month, day, year, time, and location are factored in the determining of the rising sign, or ascendant, on the eastern horizon. The rest of the chart follows counterclockwise in a 360-degree circle, divided into twelve slices of the “pie.” These slices are called houses and represent areas of your life. The twelve signs are also placed around the wheel, starting off with the rising sign. The planets are then placed in the houses where they belong based on the sign and degree of sign they occupied at your birth moment.


The planets in their places nod to each other and create patterns of energy flow that are referred to as aspects. The natal chart is a valuable life-navigating map. I truly believe every adult can benefit from the self-knowledge gained from studying the basics of astrology and applying them to analysis of their own natal chart, or by having a consultation with an experienced astrologer. Likewise, every child can benefit from having a parent or caregiver analyze his or her chart.

Thanks to computers, which can easily store and calculate the necessary atlas and ephemeris data and mathematical equations required to erect a birth chart, any curious do-it-yourselfer can Google “free natal chart” and find a reliable source for a chart. I highly recommend an in-depth, yet enjoyable book by Debra Kempton-Smith, Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You, as an ideal accompaniment to your journey of self-discovery.

If seeking a personal astrologer, be sure to ask if they are using a computer-generated interpretation program or actually interpreting your natal chart themselves. If you are paying for professional experience and personal service, that is what you should expect to receive. At Aloha Astro, I offer both person and computer generated reports.

Be sure to retain your natal reading. It is not unusual for something that was mentioned at the time of the reading to not seem relevant to your life, only for it to become important at a later date – in fact, this is the norm. At Aloha Astro, I offer a Look and Listen video screen capture recording of your natal chart interpretation, called the
Life Purpose Recording.
If you choose a One Hour Reading by phone or Skype, you can take notes or use a Google Voice number and activate the record call feature in the settings for your Google Voice account.

The planets in our natal chart form a picture of us. Just as the passage of time changes us from infant, toddler, youth, teen, and adult, but we can still see the essence of who we are in the earliest photos taken, so too, do planets continue to move through our natal chart in what are called transits. The planetary transits can affect us on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels triggering events, decisions, and transformations. The natal chart retains the essence, while the transiting planets activate energy within the chart. We change while remaining the same essence.

Solar return charts erected from natal information can be analyzed yearly around the birthday to be considered along with the natal chart and transits for a deeper look at the potential year. A progressed chart can be used in a similar way. Both the solar return and progressed charts are usually viewed alongside and in relation to the natal chart.

Many people who have not resonated with Sun sign astrology or daily horoscopes find out why during a natal chart reading. Often, other planets in the first house of self may have more strength, the Sun itself is either weak or unaspected, or there is a cluster, or stellium, of planets in another sign, which becomes dominant in the expression of personality traits.

The Moon rules the emotions and is feminine in nature. The Sun has more to do with ego and self identification and is masculine in nature. It is not uncommon for a woman to seem more like her Moon sign than her Sun sign. The most wonderful moments for me as an astrologer are those of confirmation. Many people have an inner yearning to pursue a certain thing, yet suppress the desire for any number of reasons. When I hit on that certain thing in their natal chart without them having mentioned it before the reading, I see their entire face light up with excitement. The usual exclamation of wonder is, “I always wanted to (fill in the blank), but I never (fill in the blank).” The astrological confirmation of their inner self is often the means to instilling the confidence to remove the “but.”

The first and most important birthday gift we receive is the natal chart created at the moment of our birth. Sadly, for many people, that gift remains unopened because they are unaware that they even have it. Luckily, the usefulness of the gift does not fade over time and it will have meaning for you, whenever you choose to open it. I would love to be your personal astrologer! Together, we can discover the gift of your natal chart.

Dunnea Rae, aka Dee

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