Daily Horoscope: Moon in Capricorn, June 25, 2021

Moon in Capricorn, Friday, June 25, extends the serious emotional tone of yesterday’s Full Moon to today, however, the focus shifts toward gathering and sharing information so that you can devise a plan or consider what strategy will help you navigate the complexity of your most pressing situation, as the moon forms a quincunx aspect to communicative Mercury in social Gemini, a trine to unpredictable Uranus in materially minded Taurus, and a square aspect to self aware Chiron in Aries. Once you open something up for discussion, or seek advice, expect to receive more input than you had anticipated. Be aware that Chiron in arrogant Aries square to the moon in boss-like Capricorn, sextile to Mercury in chatty Gemini, sextile to masterful Saturn in future minded Aquarius, and trine to action oriented Mars in ardent Leo, inclines people to feel they are qualified to tell others how to think, or what to do, based on their own past experiences and personal likes or dislikes. You may need to remind overly opinionated (but well intentioned) people that, “That was then, this is now”, if old methods won’t solve more modern problems, or you can’t understand how their perspective relates to your situation. Mercury in mutable Gemini trine to Saturn in Aquarius reinforces the value of listening to multiple view points, but you will have to listen patiently and wade through some hot air before you pass judgment on the viability of advice. The sun in Cancer trine to Jupiter in Pisces, and Venus in Cancer trine to Neptune in Pisces reminds you that the investment of your time and attention in relationships and creative endeavors will increase the love and abundance in your life.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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