Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini, March 5, 2025

Moon transiting Gemini, Wednesday, March 5th, supports mental creativity, persuasive marketing campaigns, and making a loud noise over things you believe in, but there is some impish trickster energy woven into communication as the moon forms a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Neptune in Pisces conjunct Mercury and Venus retrograde in Aries, and Pluto in Aquarius, while Neptune/Mercury/Venus are being squared by Mars in Cancer. An additional square aspect between Jupiter in Gemini and the sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces is activating the not so nice shadow of false friendliness, or schadenfreude – pleasure taken in someone’s misfortune. Some may feel justified in minor passive-aggressive behavior, teasing, manipulation, or deception and might get away with it or be forgiven if they are exposed, but the influence of Mars and Pluto will increase thoughtless, uncaring, and greedy behavior in anyone who already lives by service to self over service to others. The advantage to today’s lunar transit is that the person expressing natural talents and genuine kindness can receive attention, which increases their power and popularity, while the true nature and agenda of a person of ill intent will be revealed, guaranteeing them an eventual downfall and a ruined reputation. Keep your wicked impulses and negativity in check today because the enhanced power to manifest through your thoughts, feelings, and words may deliver some instant karma or something not to your liking if you are sending out mixed signals.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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