Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus to Gemini, December 13, 2024
Moon transiting Taurus to Gemini, Friday, December 13th, increases the chance that you will hear – or say – “That’s not how it works!”, only to find that the change in the plan or the method leads to a unusual concept or connection which can be lucky or destiny revealing in some way, as the moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus shifts from a fixed earth sign to a mutable air sign at midday, while forming an opposition to Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, a quincunx aspect to the sun in Sagittarius, and a Minor Grand Trine with Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, and Neptune in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries. Complications and disappointments are also possible due to Mercury retrograde and the sun engaging in adjacent T-squares with Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, but it is likely that something – or someone – better is imminent, and the sooner you let go of wishing for what could have been or revisiting what was, the sooner it, or they, will appear. Mars, the planet of action, is retrograde in ardent Leo, opposing Venus and Pluto in Aquarius, increasing desire and passion, but also creating a fear or resistance toward acting on impulse, but that opposition activates a Grand Trine and Kite involving Mars, Venus, Pluto, Mercury, Neptune, and the North Node. Truly, a dream may be realized, and a story of mythological proportions can be born of taking an action which affirms your inner most desire and belief. The crux of the matter may lie in your self worth – you must accept that you have gifts to share and deserve to be happy.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro