Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Sagittarius, September 11, 2024

Moon transiting Sagittarius, Wednesday, September 11th, continues yesterday’s theme of being at a crossroads, as the majority of yesterday’s mixed planetary aspects, including a Grand Cross, are still present, however, the moon trine to Mercury in Virgo, as well as Chiron in Aries, Mercury sextile to Mars in Cancer, Venus in Libra trine to Jupiter in Gemini, Jupiter sextile to Chiron, and Uranus – the planet of unpredictability and change – trine to the sun in Virgo, and forming a Minor Grand Trine with Neptune in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn, are all conspiring to favor you with fortune when you leave your comfort zone and expand your horizons – emotionally, materially, and spiritually. No amount of practice or preparation will ensure success at this time when unexpected situations, people, or information you have never before encountered could require you to let go of what has been to make room for more or better. Character, friendliness, and an open-minded willingness to change and grow, are more important now than all your past accomplishments. You may not know where you are headed, but keep looking forward and stay optimistic.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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