Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra, September 5, 2024

Moon transiting Libra, Thursday, September 5th, can activate a shift in values or prosperity consciousness which could alter your perception of your worth, and redefine who or what you choose to align with, as the moon joins Venus and the South Node in Libra, while forming trine aspects to Jupiter in Gemini, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, as well as a T-square aspect pattern with Mars in Cancer, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries, and a sesquisquare aspect to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. The strong urge to determine your most important desires, and to take the action to obtain or control them, is most likely due to the triggering effect of Pluto having shifted back into success oriented Capricorn forming a quincunx aspect with Mars leaving Gemini to enter needs aware Cancer. Fortunes can turn toward having less or having more, by choice or circumstance, but in either situation, there may be both a sacrifice and a silver lining involved. Mercury in Leo trine to Chiron retrograde in Aries, sextile to Mars in Cancer, and square to Uranus in Taurus can reveal how your thoughts of the past created the present situation in which you find yourself now, but Chiron is also sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, indicating that you can choose a different scenario when you direct your thoughts in a more favorable direction. A T-square aspect consisting of the sun in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces, suggests that the practice of finding something to be grateful for, or to bless, in any situation or relationship is the most useful tool you have at your disposal if you wish to work at improving or increasing anything. Your material and spiritual consciousness can change in an instant.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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