Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Virgo, September 2, 2024

New Moon in Virgo, Monday, September 2nd, activates a state of observation and anticipation as you fill your time of waiting and watching for something or someone to appear with preparation, practice, and mundane, but necessary, tasks as the moon conjunct the sun in a discerning, detail oriented, and problem solving mutable earth sign, ruled by the planet Mercury, and associated with the 6th house of service related work, dharma, daily chores, exercise, diet, nutrition, health, and physicality, forms a T-square aspect pattern with Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces, overlapped by another T-square involving Venus in Libra conjunct the South Node, Neptune retrograde in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries, and Mars in Gemini. Remember the promises you made to yourself or another, keep your goal in mind, and your energy high, because a Kite aspect pattern consisting of Venus in Libra, Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, is directing the change and transformation required to manifest your desires (if they are for your highest good) toward Neptune retrograde conjunct the lunar North Node in Aries, which is inspiring you to heal or release trauma and pain from the past, and live the highest and best version of life you can envision. Be patient with yourself and others at this New Moon because who you, or they, wish to be may not yet be evidenced within the present timeline – yet – but it is possible, and probably imminent. Giving or receiving constructive criticism, or a bold speaking of the truth, could be part of the healing process. The shift in consciousness, and the resultant manifestation, might occur when you tire of acting “as if”, and focusing your persistent attention on your desire. Just as you let go and look away, the Universe steps in to take over and work on your behalf, so do your best, while inviting a higher power to do the rest.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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