Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Cancer to Leo, August 30, 2024

Moon transiting Cancer to Leo, Friday, August 30th, presents you with so much potential to change and transform your life by “making the lemonade out of the lemons” and sharing your unique talents and skills in service to others as the moon shifting from a cardinal water sign to a fixed fire sign at midday, forming a Grand Trine and Kite aspect pattern with Venus in Libra conjunct the South Node in Libra, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius, a Mystic Rectangle and Castle aspect pattern with Venus/South Node, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries, as well as a T-square aspect pattern with Pluto, and Chiron in Aries. Another Grand Trine and Kite, which funnel energy toward Neptune and the North Node, and a second T-square involving Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, Venus, Neptune and North Node amplify the importance of choosing a path of purpose and meaning, and exploring and learning more about who you are and why you are here through your relationships. As the planets transit nine of twelve zodiac signs, feelings and thoughts run high, wide, and deep, opportunities and options are plentiful, and nearly anything is possible when you actively embrace and express the energy of who you want to be. Saturn in Pisces opposing the sun in Virgo, and squaring Mars and Jupiter, plus Mercury in Leo squaring Uranus, running programs independent of the other aspect patterns, are the creative catalyst and the foundation and framework builders now. You must decide which version of yourself and your life you intend to create, and then commit to the work of making it so. Once you decide on the “what”, the how and when of it, and the people who will play a part in your new reality, will show up, and whatever or whoever no longer matches your adjusted vibration will fall away. Don’t fret if some of the thoughts you share now are misunderstood. You are casting seeds on ground that might not be ready to receive them, but when conditions are right in the future, those words could germinate and bear fruit.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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