Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Leo, August 4, 2024

New Moon in Leo, Sunday, August 4th, ushers in a quest for meaning, and a time of revisiting old stories, myths, and beliefs, when you initiate a creative life scripting process which will probably have some plot twists, character changes, and require some editing, as the New Moon in a fixed fire sign associated with the 5th house of romance, dating, creativity, hobbies, children, competition, recreation, and luck, forms a sextile aspect with Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, as well as a sesquisquare aspect with Neptune retrograde in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries, just a day before Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde, re-entering Leo on August 14th. Supernatural, fantastical, Divinely orchestrated, or strange – and practically unbelievable – encounters or events could take place due to Neptune and the North Node participating in a Yod aspect pattern which involves Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, and Venus at the final degree of Leo conjunct Mercury in Virgo, while Mercury/Venus square Uranus in Taurus, and Mars/Jupiter. Saturn retrograde in Pisces square to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini can trigger caution or judgement when you meet with people, places, or ideas which are foreign to you, and Chiron in Aries square to Pluto in Aquarius could make you fear rejection or failure if you move out of a comfort zone, BUT Chiron trine to Venus/Mercury is telling you that pioneering energy and bold moves are necessary and logical. A Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern of Neptune and the North Node, Pluto, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter suggests that you take what you can from the old and apply it toward the creation of something new. Imagination and creativity are directed toward change, growth, and transformation, but leave room for spirituality and the unseen forces of nature and the cosmos to play their part in whatever you wish to create at this New Moon.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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