Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius, June 25, 2024

Moon transiting Aquarius, Tuesday, June 25th, may bring some of the unexpected changes this Uranus ruled air sign is known for, as well as the awareness that a shift in your thoughts and feelings might be the trigger behind the changes, as the moon forms square aspects with both Mars and Uranus in Taurus, and a sextile aspect with Chiron in Aries, while Chiron squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, as well as the sun, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer. Some of the apparently sudden reversals in fame or fortune (for better or worse) are actually not as sudden as they might seem, but it is the new understanding, or the profoundly intense feeling of the reality of the connection between cause and effect, or the consequence of belief, behavior, and actions, which is sudden. The Cancer planets squaring the North Node in Aries and Neptune in Pisces, as well as the South Node in Libra, while the South Node is quincunx to Mars in Taurus, tasks you with honoring the individuality and uniqueness of yourself, and others, but also acknowledging the life force and the conditions of living with uncertainty shared by all. The rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, health can fail or be restored, but ultimately no one gets out of this game alive. You can be both a giver and receiver of grace, good luck, blessings, and karmic lessons or rewards. The truth of you resides everywhere.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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