Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Capricorn, June 22, 2024

Moon transiting Capricorn, Saturday, June 22nd, continues to convey last night’s Full Moon intensity, as it still engages in a T-square aspect pattern with the sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer, and Neptune in Pisces, as well as a trine aspect with Mars in Taurus, which forms a sextile aspect with the Cancer planets. It is not too late to set intentions or conduct a Full Moon ritual. If you pose questions to the Universe, a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern involving Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini, and Neptune, as well as a trine aspect between Mercury in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces, may bring you the answers through unexpected signs in ordinary places, or the repetition of words or numbers, which might not make sense, but feel like confirmation of changes you are already contemplating. Thinking or talking about someone can result in them appearing or contacting you, and this includes spirits who are not incarnate. I personally believe that when we are about to make major changes in our lives, beings in other spiritual dimensions who care for us, or are assigned to guide us, are aware. A Full Moon can make you more telepathic, open, and receptive to their communication. Their messages might come to you in a dream, be hidden in plain view for you to discover, or could be relayed through a mutual connection sharing something about them that you never knew before, but is relevant to your issue now. Parents and elders are a valuable resource for information, and any insight you gain into their behavior and family dynamics will help you understand yourself better. Some may be weighing the pros and cons of having a child for the first time, or of expanding their family, or changing where they live or work. The groundwork of plans for the future can be set, actions will be productive, and progress will be incremental.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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