Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra, June 15, 2024

Moon transiting Libra, Saturday, June 15th, enhances the sweetness of those rare stolen moments we share with others that become the vivid and beloved memories we will recall at a future date, as the moon conjunct the South Node in Libra forms a Grand Trine aspect pattern with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, and Jupiter in Gemini, which directs its energy toward both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces to create a larger Kite aspect pattern. The moon and South Node sesquisquare to Uranus in Taurus, while Mercury, the sun, and Venus, all in Gemini, are square to Saturn and Neptune, might have some unexpected surprises for you in the areas of friendship and romance (which could have you wondering if Mercury is retrograde) as old friends or lovers reappear, or you hear confessions of a past romantic attraction that was not openly expressed or acted upon. The square aspect between the Gemini and Pisces planets, as well as a square between Pluto in Aquarius, and Chiron in Aries loosely conjunct Mars in Taurus, could exacerbate the pain and regret of missed opportunities when you remain in the frozen past of “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve”, or makes you shy away from a chance for happiness being offered when you fear a future repeat of loss. If you are in the present moment, you will find an abundance of good to be had. Say yes to new friends and opportunities, as well as second chances. Only time will tell if today’s promises will endure, but the pleasure you partake in now will become the forever memories you treasure later.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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