Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Sagittarius, October 27, 2022

Moon transiting Sagittarius, Thursday, October 27th, sparks your curiosity and generates the enthusiasm and blind faith you might need to explore uncharted territories on a spiritual or material level as the moon forms a trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Aries, while those two planets also square Mars in Gemini, form sextile aspects to Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as a sesquisquare to the sun conjunct Venus in Scorpio. A Star Trek attitude, “to boldly go where no man has gone before” mixed in with existential questioning, is amplifying the dualistic nature of Mars in Gemini – something, or someone, could be “what you see is what you get” – or there could be nuances, complexities, and hidden meanings for you to discover. The air energy of a Grand Trine involving Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Libra, and Saturn in Aquarius fans the fire of the Sagittarius moon and Jupiter in Aries with positive thoughts, interesting or companionable helpmates, and an analytically experimental game plan for finding the answers to your questions, learning new things, meeting new people, or launching a new project. There is more than enough support today to quell any fear or uncertainty you might have over venturing into the unknown, as the moon and Jupiter highlight the fun of adventure and the rewards of spiritual growth. Follow the impulse of your heart.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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