Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus, September 13, 2022

Moon transiting Taurus, Tuesday, September 13th, increases your chances of productivity, success, and satisfaction, when you are motivated by feelings of obligation, gratitude, and respect, as the moon forms a trine aspect to Venus in Virgo, and a square aspect to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Powerful Pluto is also supporting the sun in Virgo, Uranus retrograde conjunct the North Node in Taurus, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces, through a Grand Trine in the earth element creating the body of a Kite aspect pattern topped off by Neptune in the spiritual water sign of Pisces, making this is a day you can purposefully “pay it forward” or “pay it back”, and by doing so, you may find that the Universe rewards you in some way or makes your own progress toward the future less daunting as others appear who offer to help you. Mars in Gemini trine to Mercury retrograde in Libra, and also trine to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, highlights one common thing we all share no matter our cultural, political, religious, sexual, or economic identity may be – we all born and die, and move through youth to old age, and we are all dependent upon personal relationships and community to help us through our life stages. As the sun and Venus are transiting the service oriented and problem solving earth sign of Virgo, many differences can be set aside, or perhaps diminish in importance, as you – and others – prefer peace and the sharing of the good things in life over drama and conflict. The Taurus moon transit activates appreciation of the senses, nature, security and safety, comfort, pleasure, beauty, and harmony – all of which are better shared than hoarded. You may work hard today, but remember why you do, and take some time to indulge your senses through art, nature, good food, and companionship.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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