Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, August 5, 2022

Moon transiting Scorpio, Friday, August 5th, activates powerful manifesting energy and faith within you in response to an increased pressure to make unavoidable and necessary changes as the moon enters a fixed Grand Cross aspect pattern with Saturn in Aquarius, the sun in Leo, and Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus, while also creating a Grand Trine in the element of water with Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. A Kite aspect pattern draws the flowing and fruitful water energy of the Grand Trine into the action of Mars, the genius and change of Uranus, and the destiny determination and life purpose compass of the North Node in the earth sign of Taurus. “It’s darkest before the dawn”, is an apt phrase for the transits today. Things that seem totally terrible or intolerable can suddenly fall away or go through a total transformation. The sun in Leo trine to Jupiter and Chiron in Aries gives you the courage to choose what is best for you and the more you claim your right to be the creator of your life story, the more you will attract opportunities and relationships which support you and your growth. Neptune in Pisces interacting favorably with the moon, Venus, Mars/Uranus/North Node, and Pluto can bring intuitive guidance, faith, miracles, or blessings when you focus intently on the feeling and the vision of how you imagine your future to be. You are at the center of your You-niverse today, and your world will begin to reflect your state of be-ing when you realize most things happen be-cause of your thoughts and feelings and adjust them according to your desired outcome.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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