Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius, May 21, 2022

Moon transiting Aquarius, Saturday, May 21st, sets up the ideal conditions for curious and unexpected events or encounters as the moon forms a square aspect with Uranus in Taurus, and a sextile to Venus in Aries, while Mercury retrograde in Gemini joins the sun entering Gemini. Have you ever met or seen your doppelgänger? Or have you been surprised by your own reflection when you encountered a mirror where you hadn’t expected one? Maybe you have seen a ghost or had an encounter with an angelic being, fairy, or nature spirit. It’s possible something odd or out of the ordinary like that could happen to you today. While Mars and Neptune in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Aries form supportive sextile aspects to the sun and Mercury in Gemini, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, meeting someone significant from your past – maybe even a past life – is possible, and messages could come to you from another realm, delivered through an unusual messenger. If you are looking for love, but thinking you are too different in some way to find anyone who is like you, the Universe could surprise you by arranging a serendipitous meeting with someone who is SO much like you that it feels strangely spooky. As the moon draws near to Saturn in Aquarius later today, it begins to square Mercury and the sun, which could bring a new awareness concerning something old – for example, receiving a diagnosis for a long standing condition, or hearing a sibling recount a story from childhood which gives you a new understanding of family dynamics. Because the moon also squares the North Node in Taurus, nothing is quite as simple as it appears today, so pay attention and watch for signs or messages relating to your future.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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