Daily Horoscope: Moon in Virgo, October 31, 2021

Moon in Virgo, Sunday, October 31, delivers an All Hallows’ Eve with the potential to work practical and life changing magic by tapping into the power of nature as the moon in a purposeful earth sign forms a trine to unpredictable Uranus in the materially minded earth sign of Taurus, and a sextile aspect to the sun in the mysterious and magnetic water sign of Scorpio. Chiron in the self directed fire sign of Aries creates an “As I will it, so mote it be” Yod configuration with the moon and the sun, enabling you tap into the power of both luminaries as you firmly set your intention and precisely follow the steps of your spell casting or ritual. Communicative Mercury in relationship minded Libra quincunx to spiritual Neptune in psychic Pisces, and square to Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, in mortal Capricorn can help you connect to those who are beyond the veil. If seances or Ouija boards are too spooky for you, think of someone you wish you could speak with and request a visit from them in your dreams tonight. For the less metaphysically inclined, Venus in friendly fun seeking Sagittarius sextile to both Mercury in Libra, and Jupiter in Aquarius, enables you to join and enjoy social activities with one or many friends. Whether you view today as a candy and costume holiday, or a special day of magical potential, choose an environment where you feel safe and hang out with companions you trust, while the sun opposing Uranus and squaring Saturn, and Mercury squaring Pluto, stir up fear and ignorance to potentially present you with people who could reject you as too strange, or places that could be unsafe. Those same challenging aspects can represent limitations or negativity within yourself which you can work to change and transform through intention and self discipline.

Thanks for reading! Have a safe Halloween –

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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