Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini to Cancer, March 7, 2025

Moon transiting Gemini to Cancer, Friday, March 7th, brings you an ideal time to make a list of grievances and share it with the offending party to clear the air and heal or transform the relationship as the moon moving from a mutable air sign associated with communication to a cardinal water sign concerned with emotions, needs, and symbiosis forms a square aspect with the North Node and Neptune in Pisces conjunct Mercury in Aries and Venus retrograde in Aries, as well as a quincunx aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. As the moon draws closer to Mars in Cancer, which in turn is square to Mercury/Venus/Chiron in Aries, and trine to the sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces, an ultimatum brought about by the feeling of “enough is enough, and I can’t take any more of this” is becoming a real possibility, and anyone who has been suffering silently while waiting patiently and passively for signs of a positive change or the reciprocation of the energy they have been expending will be getting tough and following through on their convictions. Before you state your case or make a stand, it is important that you feel prepared to accept any outcome. You may win and achieve what you desire, or you may have to settle for a compromise that falls short of your expectations, or you may have a severing of ties. Jupiter in Gemini forming a Minor Grand Trine with Pluto and the Aries planets and squaring the Pisces planets suggests you suspend judgment of someone or something being all good or bad and set your intention for the Highest Good of All to transpire.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro