Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius, January 2, 2025

Moon transiting Aquarius, Thursday, January 2nd, stimulates a desire for adventure, and an urge to experiment with new ideas, find new friends, or explore foreign cultures as the moon forms two Minor Grand aspect patterns, one involving the moon, Chiron in Aries, and Mercury in Sagittarius, and the other consisting of the moon, Chiron, and Jupiter in Gemini. Some concepts, people, or practices may seem odd to you, or others might see you as the strange one, as the moon also squares Uranus in Taurus, but a mutable T-square aspect pattern involving Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn in Pisces, as well as a square aspect between Mercury and Neptune in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries, and a quincunx of Mercury to Uranus combine to indicate that who or what might be unusual or unfamiliar now could actually become an important part of your future. Suspend judgement until you have gathered information and experience. Just BE and trust that the flow of this serendipitous moon transit won’t lead you astray.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro