Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Capricorn, December 30, 2024
New Moon in Capricorn, Monday, December 30th, highlights the importance of self discipline, responsibility, accountability, and the sometimes daunting task of being true to yourself as you map the course of your future success, as the moon conjunct the sun in Capricorn forms a square aspect to Chiron in Aries, a sesquisquare aspect to Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and a sextile aspect to Capricorn’s ruling planet – Saturn – in Pisces. Saturn is the lead star in the show at this New Moon as it participates in a mutable T-square aspect pattern with Mercury in Sagittarius, and Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, as well as a Thor’s Hammer of Saturn, Mercury, and Mars retrograde in Leo. Now is the time to ask yourself questions concerning safety, security, wisdom, courage, growth, and integrity. Are the external systems, constructs, routines, and internal patterns or beliefs you align with helping or hindering? What would life look like if you changed something foundational that other people are heavily invested in you maintaining? Venus in Aquarius square to Aquarius’s ruler, Uranus, in Taurus, indicates any type of change or break can feel threatening or uncomfortable for all involved but may be necessary for future happiness and growth, while the Thor’s Hammer could attract criticism, detractors, and even expulsion from the group if you dare to stray from the beaten path or begin to reveal the fallacies or irrelevance of complacent illusions or arbitrary rules. The various supportive and challenging aspects are complicated, but also present opportunities for shifts and growth. Whatever no longer works will eventually become redundant or must change and adapt. Focus on grounding yourself and finding that inner connection to your creator and the cosmos to guide you. It is better to feel alone and be sure of yourself, than to be lonely because you know you don’t belong. The critics or doubters may applaud your success, emulate you, or seek your guidance in the future because of the decisions you make and actions you take at this New Moon.
Thanks for reading!
Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro