Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini, September 22, 2024

Moon transiting Gemini, Sunday, September 22nd, brings a tingle of excitement and magic to the change of the seasons on this Autumnal Equinox, as the moon joins Uranus in Taurus, and together, they participate in the same powerful Grand Trine and Kite aspect pattern supportive of change, transformation, and inspiration, which was in place yesterday – but with a new perspective – as the sun enters Libra and Venus enters Scorpio today. The length of day and night come into equal balance, and the sun’s entry into Libra focuses your attention on bringing balance into your own life – especially in the realm of relationship. The restless urge to travel, change up the scenery, and be social, can lead to the kindling of new friendships you would like to deepen, or the discovery of new opportunities or places you would like to know about in greater detail as Venus enters Scorpio this evening. Can you see yourself belonging? Celebrate the equinox today with a ritual that involves honoring the past and welcoming the future.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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