Daily Horoscope: Full Moon & Eclipse in Pisces, September 17, 2024

Full Moon in Pisces, Tuesday, September 17th, is amplified in emotional intensity and spiritual revelation due to a partial lunar eclipse and its conjunction to Pisces’ ruling planet, Neptune, as well as the North Node in Aries, while topping off a Kite aspect pattern which draws the energy of a Grand Trine involving Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, toward change and transformation as you seek a higher state of awareness and your path to a more self actualized future. The moon opposing the sun in Virgo forms a T-square aspect pattern with Jupiter in Gemini, and it is overlapped by a second T-square consisting of Mercury in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and Jupiter, emphasizing the necessity of working toward improvement with a flexible and open mind, while remaining grounded. It is a time of “head in the clouds, feet on the ground” as you are busy with cleaning up the refuse of the past, rehabilitating what can still be of service, while reinforcing your belief in a better version of life. I hear the Spice Girls singing, “Wannabe” – tell me what you want, what you really, really, want – when I look at the T-square activating Venus in Libra, Chiron retrograde in Aries, and Pluto. It may be scary to bare your soul and express hidden feelings, but a trine aspect between Venus and Jupiter in communicative air signs, as well as a quincunx aspect between Venus/Neptune/North Node will enhance friendliness, compassion, empathy, acceptance, forgiveness, humor, and romance, once you begin to share your heart, and chances are, the other person has also been wanting to do the same. Intuition and telepathy are at their highest level now, but if you wish to have a confirmation of what you are sensing, go directly to the person involved and use your voice. Reclaim the magic of wonder and awe by communing with nature, art, Divine Beings, and your Higher Self.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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