Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, September 7, 2024

Moon transiting Scorpio, Saturday, September 7th, conveys persuasive magnetism and determination to achieve or obtain who or what you want, as well as an instinctual urge to protect or defend what you believe to be yours, as the moon forms a trine aspect to Mars in Cancer, a sesquisquare aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, and a square aspect to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, while Pluto participates in two Yod aspect patterns which pull in the energy of Neptune retrograde in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, and Mercury in Leo, to help you create and manifest through your imagination, intuition, belief, words, and actions. Consider the consequences of your words and actions carefully before playing with the power this Scorpio moon transits bestows, because Mars in Cancer squaring both the South Node conjunct Venus in Libra, and the North Node in Aries conjunct Neptune in Pisces indicates there is no escaping karmic lessons and balancing. Communication with spirits is a real possibility, but establish a field of psychic protection before engaging in any interdimensional exploration. There is a fine line between the positive and negative use of psychic abilities and persuasive power, as well as unseen or unknown factors involved. End any spell or stated intention with, “For the Highest Good of All”, to protect yourself, and others, from any naively reckless harm.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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