Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Sagittarius, July 17, 2024

Moon transiting Sagittarius, Wednesday, July 17th, may incline you to release your inhibitions as you pursue pleasure, explore your fantasies, and express your passion or creativity, as the moon forms a Grand Trine with Venus in Leo, and Neptune in Pisces, directing the energy of the Grand Trine toward Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and Jupiter in Gemini, at the top of a larger Kite aspect pattern. The more grounded primal, sensual, and material impulses blend with a grand vision, refinement, and the drive to enjoy an ultimate level of experience and attainment. This is definitely a time to take risks and chances in matters of love or money, because even if love eventually fades, or success is fleeting, the delight you will have when you choose to follow your heart and your senses gives you a feeling of joy that returns to you vividly when you look back on your adventures at times in your future. You may also get lucky in love and money, but you won’t know unless you go ahead and find out. The moon opposing Jupiter, Jupiter squaring Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius opposing the sun in Cancer and Venus in Leo, might try to convince you not to go all out and over the top, but if you listen, you will have the “woulda, coulda, shoulda” regrets later or jealousy now – and all the more so if you see others enjoying themselves while you are not, or you miss out on a potential opportunity or lover you have been dreaming of and waiting for. Be as present, involved, and passionate as you can be in all you choose to do today.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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