Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra, July 13, 2024

Moon transiting Libra, Saturday, July 13th, replaces all the magic, magnetic attraction, harmony, and compatibility with a desire to step back, rethink, and look for the flaws or red flags in relationships or opportunities which recently entered your life, as the moon forms a T-square aspect pattern with Chiron in Aries and the sun in Cancer. The moon is also engaged in a thought provoking and spiritually questioning Yod aspect pattern leading you down the memory lane of times in the past when you loved but lost, were a fool in love, or love was never reciprocated. Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus square to Mercury in Leo, and Jupiter in Gemini trine to both Pluto in Aquarius and the moon in Libra, while square to Saturn in retrograde in Pisces, can also direct the revisit to the past toward matters of work, business, money and values. Mercury square to Mars/Uranus creates an impulse to break away and be free, and a second T-square involving Venus, Chiron, and Pluto retrograde resurrects past pain, grief, or fear, despite many positive aspects between planets that are increasing desire, passion, and risk taking in love or money. If your feelings are conflicted today, it is possible that the problem is more about the past than the present. Are you projecting patterns of behavior or unrealistic expectations upon now because you are running an older program in your head? Or are you unable to accept and appreciate an opportunity or relationship in the present because you won’t let go of something or someone you no longer have or can’t have? Sort your feelings out before you communicate so you can discuss what is most important and avoid arguments or talking at cross purposes.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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