Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Cancer to Leo, June 9, 2024

Moon transiting Cancer to Leo, Sunday, June 9th, heats up situations or relationships already under pressure, resulting in outbursts, ultimatums, and potentially abrupt changes, which although necessary or overdue, could be painful, as the moon shifting from a cardinal water sign to a fixed earth sign in the early afternoon forms a T-square aspect pattern with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, and Chiron in Aries conjunct Mars in Taurus, as well as a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Saturn and Neptune loosely conjunct in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus loosely conjunct Jupiter in Gemini. Commitment, seriousness, respect, and reciprocity (or the lack of these things) could be at the heart of the issue, as Mercury, the sun, and Venus in Gemini square Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, but it is the shift of Mars from Mars ruled “I am” Aries, to Venus ruled “I have” Taurus, which is the trigger for any drama or upheavals today, because it redirects energy away from going after someone or something desired, to taking account of who or what has been gained and is now securely established or possessed. Today’s tense planetary aspects serve as a reality check, and in some cases, a decision to release a person, project, or condition that has become counterproductive, even if a lot of your time or money has already been invested. Rude awakenings could be paired with words like, “It’s too late, you had your chance, but you blew it.” On the plus side, anger, frustration, and disappointment can be powerful catalysts for positive growth and change, and the show-off energy of the Leo moon will encourage you to shine brighter than your detractors or competitors, and to act like the winner – no matter what.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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