Daily Horoscope: Moon In Gemini to Cancer, June 7, 2024

Moon transiting Gemini to Cancer, Friday, June 7th, delivers a New Moon fallout of emotional intensity, breakthroughs in awareness, or out of nowhere surreal events or encounters which could change your life, as the moon squares Neptune in Pisces, forms a sextile aspect to the North Node, Mars, and Chiron in Aries, and a sesquisquare aspect to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. The Universe is happy to swiftly deliver what you have ordered up through your thoughts and feelings through the momentum of yesterday’s New Moon in Gemini flanked by wingmen Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus – all in Gemini – as well as unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, forming a Minor Grand Trine with Neptune and Pluto. But the Universe could also be delivering a Cosmic Joke, a Cosmic Reward, or a Cosmic Lesson, depending upon what is most needed, as the Gemini planets square Saturn in Pisces, and the Aries planets and the North Node square Pluto. If conditions or events are not to your liking, dig deep, and you might have the “Aha” revelation that you did, indeed, play a part in creating them. The owner of the meme car pictured probably invested a ton of energy in complaining about their car, and dreaming of a new car, before the Universe obligingly took it out with a muffin (I know, photoshop, but you get it). Today, you can learn more about the power of your mind and emotions, and begin to use them with greater discernment, control, and compassion, as you become more aware of cause and effect, and the interconnectedness of everyone and everything. Sealing your intentions with the phrase, “for the highest good of all”, can be as spiritually protective for you when manifesting, as car insurance is materially protective for you when you drive.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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