Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, April 24, 2024

Moon transiting Scorpio, Wednesday, April 24th, directs the emotional intensity of yesterday’s Full Moon toward making the commitment and taking the action that best supports positive growth and change, and it may require that you make some sort of sacrifice in the present in order to gain in the future, as the moon eases out the opposition to the sun in Taurus, to enter an opposition with Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus, while forming a trine aspect with Saturn in Pisces, and a sesquisquare aspect with Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Pluto – Scorpio’s ruling planet – is the power behind the motivation, manifestation, and miracles which you can activate today, as it tags the Pisces and Taurus planets in a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern while it squares the North Node, Mercury retrograde, and Venus, all in Aries, as well as the sun in Taurus. These are the energy patterns contributing to a “do, or die trying” feeling. Use them to focus your intentions on what you believe must happen, while refusing to succumb to doubt or fear, because you manifest what you desire – and what you dread – most successfully through your attention and emotions. Amplified power available to you now is like that double-edged sword, but you can maintain control and maximize the potential for positive outcomes through giving – or sacrifice – to make something sacred. If you are doing any Full Moon rituals, magic, or Law of Attraction methods aimed at improving any aspect of your life, balance your asking by giving something that hurts you a bit or is a stretch to let go of, as proof of your seriousness. For example, if you desire more money, give some of your money willingly to someone who may need it more than you, and if you want more love or friends, share your time with the lonely, or find volunteer opportunities with organizations that help people or animals in your community. Give what you wish to have.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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