Daily Horoscope: Full Moon in Scorpio, April 23, 2024

Full Moon in Scorpio, Tuesday, April 23rd, pressures you to transform an issue or area of your life by regaining or relinquishing control, redefining boundaries or destroying them, as the culminating intensity of a Full Moon in a fixed water sign highlights the sharing (or not) of values and resources from an “all or nothing” perspective. The Full Moon occurs at 7:49 P.M. Eastern Time, but before the moon enters Pluto ruled Scorpio just after 10 A.M., it spends the morning in the cardinal air sign of Venus ruled Libra, where it opposes the North Node, Chiron, Mercury retrograde, and Venus – all in the cardinal fire sign of Mars ruled Aries, before opposing the sun in the fixed earth sign of Venus ruled Taurus. Pluto in Aquarius forms a tense and volatile T-square with the moon and sun, but also a highly magnetic, materially productive, and passionately romantic, Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Saturn, Mars, and Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. You may experience a wide range of emotions today, but I think it is important to refrain from judging them as all good or all bad, because releasing “bad” feelings without judgement can be cathartic and motivate you to manifest what you require to feel better. For example, deciding you have had enough of a terrible job or unhappy relationship will lift your spirit while increasing your self esteem, which will make you more magnetic to new opportunities, and attractive to other potential partners. People may be stubborn, willful, defensive, and emotionally unstable or unpredictable today, but many things that have been hidden will come to light when feelings and words erupt – things that could shift your perspective and transform your future. When you let go of something, the empty space could be filled quickly, and you may witness or experience instant karma. This Full Moon amplifies the effect of thoughts, words, and deeds.

Thanks for reading!

Stay safe today,

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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