Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus, April 10, 2024

Moon transiting Taurus, Wednesday, April 10th, supports investing in your future, both materially and spirituality, while keeping your hopes high, but your expectations within reason, as the moon joins Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, forming a sextile aspect with Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces, as Pluto in Aquarius is square to the sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Aries, but sextile to Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Aries. Prepare for your future success by working persistently and maintaining the belief that you are headed in the right direction and have all that you need within and without you to accomplish anything. Avoid being too arrogant, stubborn, or willful when you meet either resistance, or offers of help, from others. Those who resist might be teachers in disguise who motivate you to improve on your plan or increase your desire to meet your goal. Trying to control everything by doing it all yourself could cost you valuable time, or there are some aspects of your plan which might be better suited for someone who has more interest or experience in that area. For example, if your talent is writing, but you dislike marketing, find the person or company to promote your book. Maximize today’s strong manifesting aspects through the proper management and allocation of your time, attention, and resources. If future growth requires that you pay money now to have more later, be as sure as possible that you have the desire, commitment, and patience to follow through on your end of the deal. Will you use that equipment, or can you devote yourself to that program? Read all the fine print on contracts, and consider the risk to reward ratio of taking on debt. You could get lucky when opportunities others backed out on open up – Mercury retrograde has an upside! Ask again for what you want, reapply for something, and shop the discount sales or places that sell used items for an unexpected score.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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