Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Cancer, March 17, 2024

Moon transiting Cancer, Sunday, March 17th, is a day of emotional complexity and deep contemplation focused on needs, behavior, and choices, as the moon in a cardinal water sign forms trine aspects to Mars in Aquarius as well as Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces, and square aspects to the sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces as well as Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node in Aries, in addition to a quincunx aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus square to Mars, while sextile to Venus conjunct Saturn, indicates that the right thing to do may not be what you want to do – and this could frustrate you – but you are also being blessed with character building opportunities now that might appear as the need to delay your own gratification, make a personal sacrifice, demonstrate greater maturity, practice patience, and parent others or yourself. Dysfunctional family or personal relationship patterns can be discussed and possibly healed, but you may also find that establishing better boundaries or completely removing yourself from the situation is what’s best for all involved – especially you. Having a happy-go-lucky day with everything going your way is probably not happening today, but having control over your feelings IS possible. The Universe and other people might challenge you, but something in you might need to be challenged.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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