Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, March 1, 2024

Moon transiting Scorpio, Friday, March 1st, delivers a second helping of yesterday’s pressure producing fixed T-square aspect pattern which generates stubbornness, and activates risk taking behavior, which is backed up by the belief that you are either under Divine Protection and Guidance, or you are meant for something more in your future – other than what you are in resistance toward now (yes, I copied and pasted that from yesterday’s forecast because it is still on point) BUT today you will receive confirmation that you are on the right track if you took an action yesterday, as door of opportunity begin to crack open OR you will finalize a decision you contemplated and investigated yesterday, as the moon forms a quincunx aspect with Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries. This input of self aware and destiny determining Aries energy enhances the manifesting potential of the moon trine to a stellium of Saturn, the sun, and Mercury in spiritual Pisces, enabling you to demonstrate the truth of the expression, “God helps those who help themselves”. Yesterday, I suggested that you turn to your ancestors, spirit guides, angels, or any higher power you feel connected to, for assistance. Respect the signs or messages that came to you as a result. Your body is like a dowsing rod now, able to sense what is good for you and what is not, so pay attention to physical sensations and any sudden visceral reactions you have to people, places, or things. It’s wonderful to believe a Higher Power has your back, but putting self determination and self protection into action increases the odds of your success and satisfaction.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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