Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, February 29, 2024

Moon transiting Scorpio, Thursday, February 29th, generates stubbornness, and activates risk taking behavior, which is backed up by the belief that you are either under Divine Protection and Guidance, or you are meant for something more in your future – other than what you are in resistance toward now – as the moon forms a fixed T-square aspect pattern with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto, Venus, and Mars in Aquarius, as well as a trine aspect with the sun, Mercury, and Saturn, in Pisces, while the Pisces planets are sextile to the Taurus planets, Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius are sextile to Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, and Pluto in Aquarius is sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Whether you are taking an action on a desire or conviction which puts you at risk, or you are about to undergo something which frightens you or has an unknown outcome – such as interviewing for a position you really want, but may not be qualified for, or requires you to relinquish control and trust in the skills and experience of another to do their job well and keep you safe, like performing a surgical procedure on you – requesting the help of your ancestors, spirit guides, angels, and any other unseen power you feel connected to can give you the strength and inner calm to face and accomplish anything, no matter how tumultuous, unsafe, or unpredictable it appears.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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