Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Capricorn, February 7, 2024

Moon transiting Capricorn, Wednesday, February 7th, may put you in a position of power and authority where your task will be to guide or protect the naive or innocent, or to discover that your true power and happiness lies in the mastery of your thoughts and feelings, and is not dependent on external conditions or the behavior or actions of others, as the moon conjunct Venus and Mars in Capricorn, forms trine aspects with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, a sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces, and a square aspect to Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, while Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius square Jupiter, and the sun in Aquarius squares Uranus. The judgmental energy imparted during a Capricorn moon transit can either be softened by compassion, empathy, and the wisdom gained through experience, or manifest negatively as a coldness, bitterness, or anger that is also rooted in the past, but has no constructive effect on the present. If old wounds and trauma keep you from positive growth and change, and you seem to attract similar conditions and relationships to those which felt problematic in the past, the approaching New Moon in Aquarius offers a fresh perspective and the potential to break the patterns which keep you from moving forward. Kindness and compassion for yourself, and others, enables today’s Capricorn moon to do its best work toward improvement.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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