Daily Horoscope: Full Moon in Leo, January 25, 2024

Full Moon in Leo, Thursday, January 25th, brings an intense awareness of the stressful change and dramatic upheaval in the world, and your personal life, causing you to wonder about the prospects for growth and security in the future despite appearances to the contrary, as the moon forms a fixed T-square aspect pattern with the sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, and Jupiter in Taurus. The creativity, courage, and questing nature associated with the sign of Leo, which this Full Moon invites you to activate in your life, is infused with added inspiration, confidence, strength, and resiliency to help you weather the storms of life (and tame the fear and resistance of the challenging T-square) as Neptune in Pisces forms a trine to the moon, and a sextile to the sun and Pluto, while the moon sets up a Yod – aka Finger of God – aspect pattern with Venus in Capricorn, and Saturn in Pisces. Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn square to Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, and trine to both Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus indicates that where there is a will, and a clear goal held in your mind, you can convert your fear to action, and you may be surprised to find that things turn out better than you had expected they could. Showing up, being fully present, and willing to participate, is the first step of a creative journey you can undertake, if you choose. The deeper emotional work of this Full Moon is to recognize that power and peace are already within you, and nothing external to you can change that. Be loyal to the direction your heart leads you.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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