Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Cancer, January 23, 2024

Moon transiting Cancer, Tuesday, January 23rd, presents a choice between choosing to see the negative in something versus looking for the positive – while the unhappy feeling that comes from focusing on the negative might motivate you to do something constructive to change your outlook or condition – as the moon forms a T-square aspect pattern with Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn, and Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, as well as a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Jupiter in Taurus, and Saturn in Pisces. The worry of not having enough to meet your needs, or of what an unpredictable economic climate might mean to your financial stability, may be due to the sun and Pluto in Aquarius squaring Jupiter, but Venus in Capricorn trine to Jupiter, Mercury and Mars trine to Uranus in Taurus, and the sun and Pluto sextile to Neptune, indicate that the desire and determination to change and improve your circumstances will open the doors of opportunity, and possibly bring help or a relief from a current burden in unexpected ways. Sometimes you have to see how bad something really is before you can do something about it, and sometimes you need the reality check which shows you that you are the one who has been a willing participant in what is making you miserable. Whatever you place your attention upon grows, and you can decide for yourself what to feel today.

Thanks for reading,

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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