Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini, January 21, 2024

Moon transiting Gemini, Sunday, January 21st, enhances your ingenuity and the impulse to act on your own initiative in response to a problem to be solved under the pressure of time, or due to an absence of support from others, as the moon forms a quincunx aspect to Mars conjunct Mercury in Capricorn, a sesquisquare aspect to the sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, a square aspect to Saturn in Pisces, and a sextile aspect to Chiron in Aries. Although the moon is in a mutable air sign associated with ideas and communication, the energy exchanges it makes with other planets indicate more than just thoughts or wishes are required from you to make something happen, and there might not be time to research or experiment as much as you would like. Have you ever faced having to do something alone that you have never done before – and it MUST be done – like changing a flat tire in an unfamiliar place with no cell phone coverage or people around to help you? Have you ever said, “If you want a job done right, do it yourself!”, when you realize no one seems to know what they are doing? – and maybe you lacked experience, but you had enough intelligence and motivation to figure it out as you went along. Today is one of those “on the spot” days when you might find yourself in the middle of a situation that demands you tap into untested qualities or skills. Grasp the idea or issue firmly with both hands and work it out. The planets support learning by doing, and you will exercise your brain and your body. “Quick study” and “impromptu leader” are the words of the day.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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