Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Leo, December 30, 2023

Moon transiting Leo, Saturday, December 30th, delivers the best features of each of the three fire signs in the zodiac as the moon forms a Grand Trine aspect pattern with Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, and Mars conjunct Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. Expect plenty of excitement, charm and charisma, jokes and laughter, and more vibrant lights, color, and sound wherever people gather today. There is a thrill to be had in the pursuit of both recreation and romance, and plenty of physical stamina to play and party, but for some people, the games could become too competitive or overwhelming, and the partying too excessive, due to Mars and Mercury squaring Neptune, and Jupiter in Taurus squaring Pluto in Capricorn, and they may suddenly withdraw, or play hard to get, as the moon also forms a square aspect with unpredictable “give me some space” Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Love, or the illusion of love and the desire for intimacy, is on many people’s minds as Venus forms a Minor Grand Trine with Neptune and Pluto. The fire Grand Trine can reignite interest in past relationships and embolden people to reach out again – especially if the North Node is making them feel there is a karmic connection and more of the story still to be told. No matter how casual, innocently friendly, or “without strings” an overture may seem, there could be a deeper desire and agenda going on, or an element of fantasy, that could make maintaining the relationship challenging. Indulging in mind-altering substances at holiday parties could complicate or compromise feelings further. Only time, and two individuals’ natal charts and transits, will reveal if the relationship is ideal for both people involved and likely to endure. Have fun, but express your intentions clearly. Enjoy a buzz, but don’t be a drunk fool creating hangover regrets.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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