Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Cancer, December 27, 2023

Moon transiting Cancer, Wednesday, December 27th, is still heavy with the the emotional intensity of last night’s Full Moon, which is further intensified by the need to be right, or to defend a stance, even if it is wrong or misinformed, as the moon forms a cardinal T-square aspect pattern with the sun in Capricorn, and Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries, while Mars and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius conjunct the sun in Capricorn square Neptune in Pisces. Mercury retrograde on its own can distort, distract, or confuse, but when joining the sun in an earth sign associated with success at all costs combined with Mars, a warrior planet of action in a zealous fire sign, the square to Neptune in Pisces can inflate illusions or beliefs which lead to a justification of negative words or actions – such as as a crusader or martyr mentality. The moon sextile to Uranus retrograde in Taurus, while Uranus opposes Venus in Scorpio adds impulsivity and boundary breaking or defending energy to the overall intensity of the day. With Venus also square to Saturn in Pisces, the work of “defending the castle” is, indeed, exhausting, and while Jupiter is also squaring Pluto in Capricorn – at what cost?

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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