Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini, December 24 & 25, 2023

Moon transiting Gemini, Sunday, December 24th, and Monday, December 25th, increases spontaneity and impulsivity, and the tendency to become easily distracted, which can lead to mishaps or misunderstanding, as the mutable air sign moon and nearby Uranus in Taurus, both form quincunx aspects to Mars and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius conjunct the sun in Capricorn, and a square aspect to Saturn in Pisces, on Sunday, before setting up a cranky T-square aspect pattern with Neptune in Pisces, and Mars/Mercury/sun, on Monday. The moon is nearly full, which heightens the emotions, and exacerbates childish or rude behavior in both children, and the adults who SHOULD know how to behave by now, but there are also tolerant, forgiving, and stabilizing influences in several favorable aspects involving Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. Now that you know there can be issues in travel, difficulties in communication or comprehension, and a shortage of emotional intelligence, you can choose to be a good example by controlling your own thoughts and feelings. You might even have the opportunity to (gently and with good humor) enlighten or educate someone who is set in their negativity or ignorance, or to guide any children who could benefit from learning how to be polite and relate well with others socially in an acceptable manner. If relating becomes too emotionally intense, sharing in fun entertainment or activities, which draw everyone’s attention to seeing or doing something beyond themselves, together, can restore peace and good spirits.

Thanks for reading!

Have a wonderful holiday!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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