Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius, December 16, 2023

Moon transiting Aquarius, Saturday, December 16th, sets the stage for a serendipitous and exciting encounter which is laced with stimulating intellectual connection and a sensual magnetic pull, as the moon forms a T-square aspect pattern with Venus in Scorpio, and Uranus in Taurus, as well as a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Chiron in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius. “What is this about?”, “Should I see where this goes?”, and “Will it last?”, are among the many potential questions which Mercury retrograde in Capricorn interacting with Saturn in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, and Chiron in Aries are generating. You could be confusing a love at first sight feeling with the excitement which comes from being in a different environment, or free from the routine of your daily life, if you happen to be traveling. You may be seeing a reflection of your own light or shadow in another person, or an embodiment of your future self if you were to express aspects of yourself which you keep hidden. Encounters could range from making a casual acquaintance with someone who changes your view on life, to reconnecting with a past lover you never thought you would see again, to taking a chance on a love which defies convention. The boundaries of marriage and committed relationships could be tested, and are broken or strengthened. Neptune in a Minor Grand Trine with Pluto and Uranus, while squaring the sun and Mars in Sagittarius, adds the bittersweet feeling to the letting go of what was, when change and transformation are chosen, or the potential for future remorse, if rejected. Mercury in Capricorn creates a desire for certainty and success, but this moon transit offers no guarantees – only exploration and experimentation.

Thanks for watching!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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