Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Libra, October 13, 2023

Moon transiting Libra, Friday, October 13th, makes it difficult to resist judging others or indulging in gossip, as the moon approaches Mercury in Libra over the course of the day, moving from a trine to a square aspect with Pluto in Capricorn, while forming a Thor’s Hammer with Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn in Pisces. How people appear versus how they actually behave could surprise you, or you may find that you surprise yourself by doing or saying something that is out of character for you, or which you know isn’t that nice. You can blame the poor impulse control, and the petty attitude, on the tension which is building in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon and Ring of Fire Eclipse. Energy has to be released somehow – and the sun and Mercury in Libra quincunx to Uranus in Taurus can make gossiping, or the comparing of features like beauty or wealth, feel as physically and mentally satiating as a good meal, if you feel you have more of something than the other person. Savvy sales people can capitalize on customer’s insecurities and vanity by promising that their product will enable the customer to increase their status or beauty, or make a strong impression on others. Beware of becoming ensnared by emotional spending or aligning with people who have personal agendas that don’t sit right with you. Ask yourself whether you are purchasing something because you want it, or because you think others will want it, when they see you have it. Consider what your associations and relationships say about you.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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