Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Taurus, October 2, 2023

Moon transiting Taurus, Monday, October 2nd, makes you conscious of your need to be making changes, or to respond to changes which have been happening to you, but you may not be viewing those changes as “all good”, as the moon joining Uranus in Taurus interacts with almost every other planet through a Grand Trine and Kite aspect pattern, a T-square aspect pattern, and a Yod. The recent Full Moon conveyed intense and volatile energy, mixed with the impulse to be true to yourself and follow your heart’s desire. Today, the practical and material Taurus moon paired with the planet of change and the future urges you to begin the work of making something real, or to face what appears in your life – to persist and choose to remain positive – even if the appearance of present circumstances gives rise to fear or doubt. Two Yods in the heavens today, both involving Neptune in Pisces, indicate there is a Divine Order to everything, even if you can’t see it clearly. Aim for what supports love, happiness, and growth – then TRUST it will work out.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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