Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Virgo, September 14, 2023

New Moon in Virgo, Thursday, September 14th, highlights balancing the mundane tasks of living in the material world with the discipline and devotion of spiritual seeking and practice, as the moon conjunct the sun in Virgo sits at the tail end of a Kite aspect pattern opposing Neptune retrograde in Pisces at the top of the Kite, which leads the energy of a Grand Trine consisting of the moon and sun in Virgo, Jupiter retrograde conjunct Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn in the direction of growth, change, and empowerment. Saturn retrograde in Pisces opposing Mercury retrograde in Virgo, and squaring Jupiter and Uranus could bring both the dark night of the soul and the glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, but whatever struggle and/or inspiration you experience now strengthens your patience, endurance, compassion, and respect or helps you to ask for, and receive, the same. When a planet retrogrades, it demands you pay it extra attention and utilize its energy intentionally . With many retrograde planets engaged in multiple mixed energy aspects, you may feel overwhelmed, yet obligated, to choose and take action. Chiron retrograde conjunct the North Node in Aries trine to Venus in Leo, opposing Mars in Libra, and squaring Pluto, blazes a clear path forward when you follow your heart despite any inner or outer resistance. By being true to your heart, you will naturally balance the material and spiritual sides of life as you live your purpose and bless others with your service, knowledge, talents, and passion.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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