Daily Horoscope: Moon in Sagittarius, June 4, 2023

Moon transiting Sagittarius, Sunday, June 4th, could generate criticism or negativity directed toward you when you share your plans with others, or venture forth on your chosen path, as the moon forms a Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern with Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus, and Venus at the final degree of Cancer conjunct Mars in Leo. You could be feeling quite strongly about the future course you are choosing now, as the Full Moon pulling out of opposition to the sun brings the desire to change, grow, and proclaim your power – awakened by the moon quincunx to Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus, and Mercury and Uranus trine to Pluto – to an eruptive culmination of pressure which demands release. The T-square of Mars, Jupiter/North Node, and Pluto, as well as a quincunx between Mars and Saturn, and a square between the moon and Neptune presents a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” energy that underlines the importance of believing in yourself and doing what your destiny demands of you, no matter what others might think or say. Whether the gods are besought for fortune, or blamed for calamity, their power is acknowledged. Today’s waning Sagittarius Full Moon offers you the energy of the Jupiter/Zeus/Thor/god archetype to work with, but you may not be loved by all if you challenge other’s perceptions or expectations of you, especially if they feel threatened by the possibility of you surpassing them in power, wealth, or success. Don’t give people god status by diminishing yourself to appease them, and do let go of any relationship that is not balanced in giving and receiving or encouraging of growth.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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