Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Virgo, May 28, 2023

Moon transiting Virgo, Sunday, May 28th, highlights the sharing or teaching of unusual or arcane knowledge or skills so that others may benefit, or be able to work together harmoniously and productively as the moon forms a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and Venus in Cancer, while opposing Neptune in Pisces. The Virgo impulse to solve a problem, fix what is broken, perform acts of service, or act as a data bank of needed information, available tools or resources, and helpful connections is functioning at its highest level today, but there is one caveat – if an individual or a group is not ready or willing to receive, or can appreciate, what you wish to share (no matter how beneficial the offering of service, information, or material resources might be) then there is not much you can do but wish them well and leave them be. The sun in Gemini square to Saturn, and a T-square of Mars in Leo, Pluto in Aquarius, and Jupiter, North Node, Mercury, Uranus in Taurus indicate that some will choose to learn things the hard way or have an unconscious desire to hold on to struggle and drama. You do not HAVE to make things harder for yourself than they already are when there is help to had for the asking. Relationships forged today over a shared task or unique interest could grow into something long term.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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