Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries, March 22, 2023

Moon transiting Aries, Wednesday, March 22nd, brings you New Moon insight about yourself that may feel uncomfortable but also motivates you to confront rather than avoid those feelings, and makes you more willing to seek and receive healing energy because it is a better option than living in pain or unhappiness, as the moon joining Jupiter and Chiron in Aries forms a square aspect with Mars in Gemini. Mars is likely to stir up stuff – which you might judge as either good or bad, or a confusing mix of both – as it squares Neptune in Pisces conjunct the sun and Mercury in Aries, while also trine to Saturn in Pisces, and quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn. Rather than rejecting the broken parts of you, or accepting other people’s projections, prejudices, or expectations of you, embrace all of you, including your shadow. Dark nights of the soul are usually a sign that a new level of spiritual understanding is about to be reached. Commit to a journey of self exploration and healing. Over the next few days, as the moon draws closer to the North Node, Venus, and Uranus in Taurus, you may see the physical evidence of positive changes in your life appear miraculously because you prioritized self love and healing today.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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