Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries, December 3, 2022

Moon transiting Aries, Saturday, December 3rd, unites the initiating power of the moon in a sign of leadership, with action oriented Mars in curious and communicative Gemini, and the sun, Mercury, and Venus in adventurous team spirited Sagittarius, so that people are eager to participate in any activity which seems fun, exploratory, or informative in nature. The cardinal fire moon controls the day, as it also forms a sextile aspect to Saturn in Aquarius and a square to Pluto in Capricorn. A leader will be chosen by the group, or someone will step up to claim that role. Will it be you, or someone else? Either way, the mutable T-square we are all growing tired of can generate some whining, wandering, and scattering of attention and forward momentum, but the fear of missing out, or of being excluded from the group, keeps the negativity to a minimum. Leading by example, rather than direction, is the way to motivate others now. Get busy doing what you enjoy, or wish to share, and your enthusiasm will be contagious on this “Me, too!” day. Although energy is running high, short breaks evenly spaced between activities will prevent the potential conflict, crashes, and meltdowns triggered by over stimulation.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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