Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Leo, November 16, 2022

Moon transiting Leo, Wednesday, November 16th, increases excitement and impulse concerning action, risky ventures, and danger, as the moon forms a sextile aspect with Mars in Gemini, while the fixed T-square involving the moon in Leo, the sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio, Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus, continues to build pressure. Yesterday’s issues may have carried over into today, demanding further attention, or perhaps you are experiencing displeasure or resistance to the decisions made or boundaries set down. Pluto in Capricorn is the key planet today because it is the only planet free from any challenging aspect, and it is tagged in three distinct Yod aspect patterns that tap into the moon and Mars, as well as the Scorpio planets, and Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Pluto is a planet of power – or the lack of it – as well as fear, intensity, crisis, control, upheaval, and transformation. Capricorn is a sign associated with mastery and integrity. Outside of those three Yods, which suggest you consider the consequences of your actions in terms of the physical safety or reputation of yourself and others, Pluto supports Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, and the Scorpio planets, through two sextile aspects, which in turn, form a spiritually elevated trine aspect to guide and protect you. No matter how intense or challenging situations are now, maintain control of your emotions, don’t give in to fear, anger, or jealousy, and do what you know to be right. If you get swept up in drama, or other people’s battles, be there to assist or improve, not to stir up further agitation. As the moon enters the mutable earth sign of Virgo this evening, the cleanup and recovery from a busy and intense day is a welcome relief and people suddenly remember to use their manners. Anything that was severely shaken up today will quiet down tomorrow under a pragmatic Virgo moon.

Thanks for reading!

Dunnea Rae at Aloha Astro

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